Tuesday, April 29, 2008

End of the Semester...

These last few weeks just flew by! The end of the semester is always tough, but is just about finished. I know most of you are just happy to get this liberal requirement out of the way (even though I think English should be a YEAR requirement...I am biased), but hopefully some of you have taken something from this class.

Thank you for your honesty in your evaluations. All of your comments were very helpful. I have seen some great improvement in some of you and it makes my job worthwhile.

If you remember in the beginning of the semester I told you that I had a goal. I told you that I made it my personal mission to convert at least one of you to English majors. Well, just to brag a little, we now have 2.5 new English majors in our class. The half is a minor (clearly). I am proud of you guys!

Even though some you aren't required to even step foot in the LA building (i.e. my home) ever again, I hope to see you around. Even though I will not be your teacher, I am more than happy to help you in your future English endeavors. This class has been a real learning experience for me as well. Thanks guys! Keep in touch!

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