Sunday, March 9, 2008

Before I Kick the Bucket...

There are so many things to be accomplished in life, but I have a few which are most important to me:
  • Hike Mt Kilimanjaro
  • Write a grammar/composition book
  • Have a professorship at an accredited university
  • Ride in a hot air balloon
  • Go deep sea fishing
  • Catch a firefly
  • Visit family in Switzerland
  • Meet Richard Branson
  • Help someone change their life for the better
  • Build a church
  • Educate and mentor my students
It is important to know what you expect out of the short time you have to live your life. It is important to recognize the significance of certain desires. Ask yourself: Why is it vital that I do this? If the answer is unknown, there is some internal search that must be addressed. I recommend writing your goals somewhere, whether it is in a journal or just a post-it. There is a power in the admittance of the wants in life. Acknowledging your goals gives you the inspiration needed to explore effective means of attaining them. I keep this list by my computer at my home office. It is reassuring. It is encouraging.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Stress Advice

It is about that time again. Yes. Midterms. For most of you, this is your second round of these hated times. We are all studying to the point of physical and mental exhaustion. We are studying so hard that our immune systems seem to give up. So what can you do about it? Obviously, you cannot just forget about your papers and tests. You learn to manage your time, and most importantly, give yourself a break. It can actually help. It can make the difference between a mental breakdown and an A.

My advice: set aside one day on the weekend and do what you love. Do not let anything work-related come into your mind. When you find yourself starting to worry, tell yourself that you deserve this day off. You need the break in your week to keep you sane and healthy. Consider it your mental/spiritual day. Let yourself relax and reboot for the coming week. Some people just cannot take an entire day each week and not work. I used to be that way, but let me tell you, this really does work. School cannot entirely dominate your life. I know, it is weird that one of your teachers is saying this. I got this advice from one of my professors.

Remember that feeling after you have had a day where you did what you loved? For me, I would go on a long hike listening to my ipod. When I got home, I would take a nap. I would go to dinner with a few friends. Then to finish my day off, I would go to bed early. Imagine that feeling after a relaxing day. Believe me, you will be more productive and will absorb more information than if you worked the whole weekend through. Remember, your hard word deserves a pay off.